Looks like most of the problem was the latest update to Safari from Apple – we had to make some changes to CSS stylesheets and all was well. Worst case, you may need to clear your browser’s cache if you continue to see badly-formatted text or non-working elements like the download drop-down.
Thank you all for your patience!
This should be VERY temporary, but if you’re having problems downloading plugins from our site (you can’t select which operating system you’re downloading for), please try using a different browser. We’ve seen this issue with current builds of Safari on macOS, and either Chrome or Firefox on the same machine works okay. We’re working to resolve the browser compatibility error, but in the meantime there is a workaround.
Just a quick notification for you that our e-commerce provider, FastSpring, will be having a maintenance window on Sunday, February 7 2021, from 3:00 AM UTC to 7:00 AM UTC. During that time our website should be unaffected except that you will be unable to add items to shopping cart, complete purchases, or any other actions that utilize FastSpring’s services. Our forums and support portal will be unaffected.
Hopefully this should be a small inconvenience and they will be back up and running faster than their predicted time. Thanks in advance for your understanding!
The last bits are finally done – we’ve moved Stillwell Audio’s website to its new home! DNS changes will still be propagating for the next few days, but most of you should already be seeing the new server if you visit now. Everything’s running over TLS (https://) now, but otherwise there shouldn’t be any real changes to website content…YET. 🙂
Enjoy! If you see any problems, please feel free to report them on the forums at https://forums.stillwellaudio.com, via our Support site at https://support.stillwellaudio.com/, or via Facebook or Twitter if you can’t reach either of those.
Our support ticket system has been updated to latest-and-greatest osTicket and moved to its new home at https://support.stillwellaudio.com/. If you still have bookmarks to the old location, an “offline” page will give you the link to the new location. Old tickets are still available to staff for now just in case, but end-user access to those tickets is no longer available. We picked the first available time when we had no open tickets and seized the opportunity. 🙂
Now, about that website…that might take a bit longer.
Our forums have been updated to a new platform, Discourse. We think you’ll like it a lot, and it’s easier to get on board than it had been before. If you had an account on the old forum, it’s been brought across to the new one along with all the old content, but you’ll need to reset your password before you can log in. You have probably already received an email asking you to reset your password.
The new forums are linked from our main website, and the old forums disabled/set offline, but you can go directly to our new forums here at https://forums.stillwellaudio.com.
This is the first step in a refresh of all of our online services, so don’t be worried if you see some occasional downtime. Next step is moving our support ticket site, and then finally we’ll get the main website moved and updated.
Good things are coming!
Another update has been posted to the website. Primary features for this release are:
As always, this is a no-cost update, just download and install over your existing version. Always practice safe computing and keep backups, right?
Updated downloads have been posted to the website for all products. The primary fix for this update is to allow many VST3 hosts to see the plugin’s factory presets. Presonus Studio One notably still does not show presets – we are continuing to work on that. If you do not use VST3 plugins primarily, you likely do not need this update, but of course are welcome to download as always. All version numbers have been incremented.
A number of product updates have been posted to the website, including fixes for installers on 32-bit Windows, a fix for an overly-zealous compiler optimization in Transient Monster on Windows, and a number of other fixes that we found after exposing code to the REAL world. Our beta testers, as awesome as they are, can only find so much. Thanks for everyone’s patience and cooperation in reporting issues – keep it up! Just re-download installers and re-install. Version numbers may change to .01, .02, .03 depending on what fixes were made.
It’s been a LONG time coming, but it’s finally here. Version 3.0.0 brings many noteworthy features and fixes. All known compatibility issues have been addressed for current users, and for those users that have been waiting patiently (or not), we’re finally fully consistent – all plugins are available 32 and 64 bit, both Mac and PC (with the exception of Psycho Dither which is still WIP and Microschope which has been retired due to lack of activity). The most exciting bit for new users, though, is additional platform support. We now support VST3 and (wait for it…) Pro Tools. Our plugins are available in RTAS (legacy), 32-bit AAX Native (Pro Tools 10), and 64-bit AAX Native (Pro Tools 11). Where appropriate, we have also built in support for Audiosuite (AS).
We hope that you’re as excited as we are, and please forgive the dust as we make final tweaks to the website now that we’ve got it up and running. Oh, did I forget to mention that we did a total rewrite on the website? The old place has never looked so good…it needed a good coat of paint and some dusting.